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Python Version History

Version Release Date Notable Changes
3.10 October 2021 - Structural Pattern Matching (match/case).
- Precise types.
- Parenthesized context managers.
- Performance improvements.
3.9 October 2020 - Dictionary merge (\|\|) and update (\|=) operators.
- New parser based on PEG.
- Time zone support in the standard library.
3.8 October 2019 - Assignment expressions (Walrus Operator :=).
- Positional-only parameters (/).
- F-strings support for self-documenting expressions and debugging.
3.7 June 2018 - Data Classes.
- AsyncIO enhancements.
- Built-in breakpoint().
- Ordered dictionaries by default.
3.6 December 2016 - Formatted string literals (F-strings).
- Underscores in numeric literals.
- Variable annotations.
- Asynchronous generators and comprehensions.
3.5 September 2015 - AsyncIO (async/await) becomes part of the language.
- Matrix multiplication operator (@).
- Type hints (PEP 484).
3.4 March 2014 - Enumerations (enum).
- pathlib module.
- Asynchronous I/O (asyncio), provisional API.
- Pip bundled with Python.
3.3 September 2012 - yield from for generator delegation.
- u string prefix reintroduced.
- venv for creating virtual environments.
3.2 February 2011 - Stable ABI (Application Binary Interface).
- Concurrent futures library.
- argparse module for command-line parsing.
3.1 June 2009 - An ordered dictionary type.
- unittest2 features.
3.0 December 2008 - Syntax changes, making it not backward compatible with Python 2.x.
- print function.
- New I/O library.
- Removal of old-style classes.
2.7 July 2010 - Last major version in the 2.x series.
- Backported features from Python 3.x.
- argparse module.
- Improved modules and Unicode support.
2.6 October 2008 - Transition version to help in migrating to 3.x.
- str.format() method.
- multiprocessing module.
2.5 September 2006 - Conditional expressions.
- Absolute and relative imports.
- The with statement.
2.4 November 2004 - Decorators for functions and methods.
- Generator expressions.
- set and frozenset types.
2.3 July 2003 - enumerate() function.
- datetime module.
- sum() function.
2.2 December 2001 - Introduced new-style classes.
- Iterators and generators.
- The super() function.
2.1 April 2001 - Nested scopes.
- Dynamic module attributes.
2.0 October 2000 - List comprehensions.
- Garbage collection of cycles.
- Unicode support.
1.6 September 2000 - Minor improvements and bug fixes.
1.5 December 1997 - lambda, map(), filter(), and reduce().
- Keyword arguments.
1.4 October 1996 - Keyword-only arguments.
- Built-in support for complex numbers.
1.3 October 1995 - Various small improvements and module additions.
1.2 April 1995 - First appearance of the class statement.
- New modules and functionality.
1.1 February 1994 - Introduced modules system.
1.0 January 1994 - Initial public release.